I was angry when I heard that Marcia had died. It was many years ago, but well after she had passed. I thought it was unfair, that she deserved a long life and was cheated out of one. Marcia had the misfortune of sitting in front of me in homeroom for two years, Arnie Almquist's homeroom. Eddie Sullivan, Ricky Stark and I would tease her often. Actually, almost every day. She would pretend not to notice but she was quite the blusher and we would measure our success by how red she would get. As we "matured" and she got to know us we became homeroom pals.
She was a sweet kid, one of the nice ones. I think of her fondly.
I remember Marcia as the quiet intellectual one. Again, I don't know how long ago she passed, and I too was taken by complete surprise.... but, while in high school we were good friends. Howie Appel
Marcia and I only crossed paths going in and out of classrooms and she always had a smile on her face. Kevin said he was angry when he heard of her passing, I read the obituary and entered a state of disbelief. She left behind her husband and her newborn baby. I was visiting my parents and reading the Needham Chronicle and dug out my Advocate and noted in it that she passed away. That was the fall of 1973 but I don't have the month. Her newborn and husband stayed in my thoughts for many years. Kevin said it well when he wrote that she was robbed of a life she deserved to live.
At one time I would find excuses to ride my bike towards Marcia's home, not too far from mine, and I would "stop in." I, too, remember her as a very sweet person, one of the good ones, and still think of her fondly. I haven't thought of her for quite a while, but I also remember being angry to learn of her passing.
I new Marcia before high school and afterward. We ran into each other at Tufts on occasion as undergrads after high school. I heard about her death shortly after she died and was very shocked because such things were not supposed to happen in the modern world to people our age (we were young then ... not like now). She was a really nice person and I consider myself lucky to have know her for much of what now seems like such a short life.
Yes, as the comments above note, Marcia was a friend to so many of us in Needham and she died so very young. I saw her soon after Jim and I moved to the Washington, DC area in June 1973 when we were both shopping in a fabic store in Arlington, VA. She was expecting a new baby and we planned to get together. That was not to be as she died before we could reconnect once again. If my memory serves me right, her husband was Fred Moore NHS "64. Her death had a profound impact upon me as I was then pregnant with out first child. I always wondered what became of him and the baby. At the time condolences were all I shared with him as I felt so heartbroken for them.
Kevin Tracey
I was angry when I heard that Marcia had died. It was many years ago, but well after she had passed. I thought it was unfair, that she deserved a long life and was cheated out of one. Marcia had the misfortune of sitting in front of me in homeroom for two years, Arnie Almquist's homeroom. Eddie Sullivan, Ricky Stark and I would tease her often. Actually, almost every day. She would pretend not to notice but she was quite the blusher and we would measure our success by how red she would get. As we "matured" and she got to know us we became homeroom pals.
She was a sweet kid, one of the nice ones. I think of her fondly.
My homeroom buddy from so long ago.
Howie Appel
I remember Marcia as the quiet intellectual one. Again, I don't know how long ago she passed, and I too was taken by complete surprise.... but, while in high school we were good friends. Howie Appel
Leslea Jenkins (Sennott)
Marcia passed away in 1973.
Marcia and I only crossed paths going in and out of classrooms and she always had a smile on her face. Kevin said he was angry when he heard of her passing, I read the obituary and entered a state of disbelief. She left behind her husband and her newborn baby. I was visiting my parents and reading the Needham Chronicle and dug out my Advocate and noted in it that she passed away. That was the fall of 1973 but I don't have the month. Her newborn and husband stayed in my thoughts for many years. Kevin said it well when he wrote that she was robbed of a life she deserved to live.
Leslea Jenkins
Douglas Chamberlin
At one time I would find excuses to ride my bike towards Marcia's home, not too far from mine, and I would "stop in." I, too, remember her as a very sweet person, one of the good ones, and still think of her fondly. I haven't thought of her for quite a while, but I also remember being angry to learn of her passing.
John Semple
I new Marcia before high school and afterward. We ran into each other at Tufts on occasion as undergrads after high school. I heard about her death shortly after she died and was very shocked because such things were not supposed to happen in the modern world to people our age (we were young then ... not like now). She was a really nice person and I consider myself lucky to have know her for much of what now seems like such a short life.
J. Semple
Jeanne Mahoney (Leffers)
Yes, as the comments above note, Marcia was a friend to so many of us in Needham and she died so very young. I saw her soon after Jim and I moved to the Washington, DC area in June 1973 when we were both shopping in a fabic store in Arlington, VA. She was expecting a new baby and we planned to get together. That was not to be as she died before we could reconnect once again. If my memory serves me right, her husband was Fred Moore NHS "64. Her death had a profound impact upon me as I was then pregnant with out first child. I always wondered what became of him and the baby. At the time condolences were all I shared with him as I felt so heartbroken for them.