October 19, 1947
Needham, Massachusetts
"Kath" . . . walking, walk-
ing, walking . . . ooh, that
shiny hair . . . her smile
. . . "I have to babysit!"
. . . tennis . . . a dependa-
ble friend . . . water skiing
. . . future in medicine . . .
Caduceus Club . . . "Oh
really?" . . . dancing . . .
from the "Advocate"
Carol Hartshorn (Tracy)
I got to know Kathy a little better after high school after she married Donald Tabor (NHS ?). As you may remamber she had cystic fibrosis. She was able to out live her sister and brother who also had the afflication. I remember the funeral well (although not the date) at St Joseph's. Her brother had died very shortly before her. I felt to bad for her parents, two children in such a short time.
Marjorie Dashef
Is it possible that Kathy died a month after her brother? I saw an obituary for Phillip (her brother) for October 1973 and found an ancestry.com a Kathy Tabor born in 1947 who died in November of 1973? Sounds about right! I knew Kathy when she attended BU for 2 years.
David Breslin
Kathleen was a very kind, good natured person. I met my wife, Connie Messina, at Kathleen's 16th birtday party on October 19, 1963.