Bob and Kathy joined us for our 50th reunion way back in 2015.and he had not changed one iota except for his Texas twang. His smile would light up a room in high school and still did 50 years later. Reading his obituary reminded me of the Emerson poem on the Meaning of Success...
To earn the respect of intelligent people and to win the affection of children;
To appreciate the beauty in nature and all that surrounds us;
To seek out and nuture the best in others;
To give the gift of yourself to others without the slightest thought of return, for it is in giving that we receive;
To have accomplished a task, whether it be saving a lost soul, healing a sick child, writing a book, or risking your life for a friend;
To have celebrated and laughed with great joy and enthusiasm and sung with exaltation;
To have hope even in times of despair, for as long as you have hope, you have life;
To love and be loved; To be understood and to understand;
To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived;
This is the meaning of success. --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bob was part of my walk to school crew to Pollard and then the Hill. Clark Hills, Lance Remsen, then me, on down to Rich Stark's and finally Bob. Just enough to fill a car on a rainy day. Some of the best days of our lives!
Les McKechnie
Bob and Kathy joined us for our 50th reunion way back in 2015.and he had not changed one iota except for his Texas twang. His smile would light up a room in high school and still did 50 years later. Reading his obituary reminded me of the Emerson poem on the Meaning of Success...
To earn the respect of intelligent people and to win the affection of children;
To appreciate the beauty in nature and all that surrounds us;
To seek out and nuture the best in others;
To give the gift of yourself to others without the slightest thought of return, for it is in giving that we receive;
To have accomplished a task, whether it be saving a lost soul, healing a sick child, writing a book, or risking your life for a friend;
To have celebrated and laughed with great joy and enthusiasm and sung with exaltation;
To have hope even in times of despair, for as long as you have hope, you have life;
To love and be loved; To be understood and to understand;
To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived;
This is the meaning of success. --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thanks for your service Sailor ...
Robert deVeer
Bob was part of my walk to school crew to Pollard and then the Hill. Clark Hills, Lance Remsen, then me, on down to Rich Stark's and finally Bob. Just enough to fill a car on a rainy day. Some of the best days of our lives!
Peter DeFazio
I remember seeing him at the 50th and he was still full of energy and joy. Great tribute Les with the Emerson poem‼️. Peter